Get your message out on CNBC with GigaXchange
GigaContent now offers broadcasting corporations and companies with own broadcasting equipment to send live directly to the North American business channel CNBC with the service GigaXchange.
What is GigaXchange?
With GigaXchange, you can send your company's messages on the big international TV channels. GigaXchange offers foreign broadcasters and TV service providers access to TV from events in Denmark. Broadcasters can also use GigaXchange as a hub for the exchange of TV transmissions with other foreign broadcasters. Furthermore, Danish companies can use it as a distribution hub to gain exposure on both national and foreign TV channels. This means that your company can broadcast live TV in full broadcast quality to SKY News, Bloomberg, CNN, and now also CNBC with GigaXChange.
What is GigaXchange?With GigaXchange, you can send your company's messages on the big international TV channels. GigaXchange offers foreign broadcasters and TV service providers access to TV from events in Denmark. Broadcasters can also use GigaXchange as a hub for the exchange of TV transmissions with other foreign broadcasters. Furthermore, Danish companies can use it as a distribution hub to gain exposure on both national and foreign TV channels. This means that your company can broadcast live TV in full broadcast quality to SKY News, Bloomberg, CNN, and now also CNBC with GigaXChange.
With programs such as Closing Bell, Worldwide Exchange and Mad Money with Jim Cramer, CNBC is one of the leading financial and business news channels in the world. CNBC has 390 million viewers around the world, so exposure of company messages or experts on CNBC can have big impact on a company’s brand awareness and help building a stronger market position as a market expert and authority.
CNBC is broadcasting from North America and Canada to countries around the world. A fun fact about the CNBC’s impact on the society is that the now renowned Tea Party movement’s name sprang out of the reinvention of the term Tea Party from the CNBC correspondent Rick Santelli back in 2009.
Who will benefit from GigaXchange?
Are you a broadcaster or from a private corporation or a media production company, GigaContent’s GigaXchange lets you send or receive live TV to or from broadcasters or service providers abroad in full broadcast quality. It gives you the possibility to spread your messages on the right channels to the right people.
About GigaXchange
GigaXchange positions you closer to the world of international TV media:
· Expose your company's messages on the big international TV channels
· Broadcast TV internationally from GigaContent's connection points.
· Receive live TV from foreign sources - e.g. sports, news, and events
· Exchange of live broadcast TV between foreign broadcasters
· High quality and reliability when you need it most
· Connections are booked via GigaBooking
What is GigaXchange?
With GigaXchange, you can send your company's messages on the big international TV channels. GigaXchange offers foreign broadcasters and TV service providers access to TV from live events in Denmark. Broadcasters can also use GigaXchange as a hub for the exchange of TV transmissions with other foreign broadcasters. Furthermore, Danish companies can use it as a distribution hub to gain exposure on both national and foreign TV channels. This means that your company can broadcast live TV in full broadcast quality to SKY News, Bloomberg, CNN, and now also CNBC with GigaXChange.
With programs such as Closing Bell, Worldwide Exchange and Mad Money with Jim Cramer, CNBC is one of the leading financial and business news channels in the world. CNBC has 390 million viewers around the world, so exposure of company messages or experts on CNBC can have a big impact on a company’s brand awareness and help building a stronger market position as a market expert and authority.
CNBC is broadcasting from North America and Canada to countries around the world. A fun fact about the CNBC’s impact on the society is that the now renowned Tea Party movement’s name sprang out of the reinvention of the term Tea Party from the CNBC correspondent Rick Santelli back in 2009.
Who will benefit from GigaXchange?
Are you a broadcaster or from a private corporation or a media production company, GigaContent’s GigaXchange lets you send or receive live TV to or from broadcasters or service providers abroad in full broadcast quality. It gives you the possibility to spread your messages on the right channels to the right people.
About GigaXchange
GigaXchange positions you closer to the world of international TV media:
· Expose your company's messages on the big international TV channels
· Broadcast TV internationally from GigaContent's connection points.
· Receive live TV from foreign sources - e.g. sports, news, and events
· Exchange of live broadcast TV between foreign broadcasters
· High quality and reliability when you need it most
· Connections are booked via GigaBooking