Nordea: Expose your knowledge
Scandinavia's largest bank is focusing strongly on the media - even if their new high-tech mini-studio only takes up a few square meters of space. With a solution from GigaContent live commentary from Nordea's financial experts can be on air within a few minutes, and this is of great importance to a bank whose buzzword is knowledge .
Nordea's TV studio is well hidden away in a side room at the end of a long corridor in the bank's headquarters in Torvegade. This compact study stands in sharp contrast to the headquarter's huge foyer, complete with impressiively huge sculptures and a wonderful view of the port of Copenhagen. But the studio provides something that is perhaps even more important: a window to the world.
- The technology for production of TV has made it easy to deliver content, even with small facilities. It is easy to produce professional broadcasts for example with live background images of our trading floor, and the quality is still top notch. We are satisfied with the outcome and the opportunities that GigaContent has given us, says Preben Castel, Nordea's Deputy Head of Internet Open Pages. Preben manages the studio.
Ready in minutes
GigaContent has delivered a solution that transmits live video content from Nordea's studio to any TV station that wants to receive the full benefit of broadcasting Nordea's expert knowledge and opinions. So far it has particularly been the national channels TV2 and TV2 News that have made use of Nordea's financial knowledge. But in principle there are few restrictions on which media and broadcasters you can reach once you are hooked up to GigaContent's network.
- We are usually asked several times a week to provide commentary, and it's all about being ready to broadcast within a short amount of time. It is often our chief economist or another of our experts who answers questions on live TV. And of course we have especially been busy commenting on the recent financial crisis, says Preben Castel.
TV2 and TV2 News usually reserve the needed connections to the GigaContent network themselves (via Giga Booking) to reach Nordea's studio in Torvegade. This has made the broadcast work very easy for Preben Castel and his staff. They only need to make sure that the mini-studio is up and running.
An important part of the bank's strategy
Claus Christensen - Nordea's press officer in Denmark - stresses that exposure in the major media are a natural part of the ongoing work to exponse the bank's business strategies and brand.
- We're a bank that wants to provide good customer experiences by offering the best in professional advice and knowledge to our customers, and we offer competences and specialists in all areas for both private and corporate clients. This is the starting point for all our activities, and it must of course also be reflected in our communications with the world around us. That's why it is important for us to be present and expose our knowledge through broadcasters such as TV2 and TV2 News - and in future, it will be all about even more media exposure, says Claus Christensen.
Even more value in future
Preben Castel is satisfied with GigaContent's solution and he believes that the possibilities for more applications can only increase in the future.
- The value of being connected to GigaContent is great, because all of the country's mainstream media are already on line on the GigaContent grid. The value will over time become even greater as the number of new media connected to the network increases. In this way, we will continue to get more value from our investment, says Preben Castel.

Preben Castel, manager of Nordeas studio in Torvegade in Christianshavn